Monday, February 8, 2010

Its been a while

Its been a while since my last post, so this will be a lengthy one.

Congrats to the New Orleans Saints! Vikings lost to them but they deserved that superbowl! Im a fan of the who but not a fan of there halftime show. Snooz patrol!

I spent a weekend in the studio recording 2 songs that i have wrote. They are super cool but my voice is not what i expected. I might need to find a singer to sing for me, should get them done here sometime in the next few weeks.

My practicing is going very well. I always find myself jumping into my solo and just skimming through my fundamentals and scales. I start playing my solo and it sounds like poo. So i keep going back and hitting my fundies and after im warmed up and relaxed and ready to play, i attack my solo and it sounds awesome. Im through two movements already and working on the third one. Im really enjoying my solo and hell, im even enjoy my kopprasch and Bordogni books. Im just enjoying playing. Looking into getting my own tuba. Looking into something like that isn't just a go out and buy. Its going to take sometime to collect money but when i do, it will be amazing.

Jason asked me to play tuba in a Tuba quartet for his Senior Recital. I about crapped myself! Might not seem like much to some but for me to Play tuba with Jason, Josh, and Mike, its a pretty big deal to me and quite an honor! I definately need to practice a few thousand times a week so i can keep up with them!

This Friday, Tong (Eric Klima) will be running for Freshman Class Royalty! Last year I recieved Freshman Class Royalty King and would want nothing more than to pass the crown to him. It would be awesome to see two band geeks in a row to get it. TAKE THAT SOCIETY!


  1. Advice for saving up for a horn: put aside any extra money you get from your band/s that you don't need. Also, put your tips from Sidelines with that. You will have enough before you even realize. It might not seem like it, but small amounts add up quickly in both directions. You should think about going to a conference or a shop to try out a bunch of horns so that you know what you like... rotors vs pistons, american vs german, silver vs lacquer, etc. I would definitely road trip with you to either Woodwind and Brasswind (Indiana) or ITEC (Arizona) over the summer to lend an ear.

  2. Jason's Quartet will be awesome. You will do and play great.
